Thursday, February 22, 2018

Start Before You're Ready

Is there something that you are being called to do? Maybe something that you have been putting off?

Many people are afraid to start what they really want to do because they are scared of the unknown. They are fearful of making a move before they are "ready" or before they have the evidence that it will work out.

But truth is, you may never have that evidence. I'm not even sure you'd want it if you were given the option.

So much more is available to us if we listen to that internal voice, if we listen to our heart and move in that direction.

And we do it without knowing. We do it without being exactly sure what will come out of it. We do it because we know that's what we truly want.

Then what comes out of it is infinite. You have no idea what comes attached to a decision you made with your heart! You don't do it for that reason, but the universe has a way of taking care of us when we move toward what we are aligned to.

I don't know what that calling is for you. I don't know what is pulling you in an obvious or even more subtle way. What I do know is you should leap no matter how small that initial leap is.

So take a leap today! And don't worry about knowing what's going to happen. Stay present in the moment, and let things unfold.

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