Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Indoor Soccer Tips and Tricks

Here are some indoor soccer tips and tricks that are going to help you perform better at indoor soccer along with help you improve as a player overall!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Untapped Potential Podcast #2 - The 6 Phase Meditation

In this second episode of the Untapped Potential Podcast, we are going over how to stop putting so much pressure on yourself and I am also giving you the 6 Phase Meditation which has already had a great impact on my life.

Soccer Confidence Training - FREE Confidence Building Course

I'm giving you some soccer confidence training today! Here is the link to sign up for the FREE course:

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Start Before You're Ready

Is there something that you are being called to do? Maybe something that you have been putting off?

Many people are afraid to start what they really want to do because they are scared of the unknown. They are fearful of making a move before they are "ready" or before they have the evidence that it will work out.

But truth is, you may never have that evidence. I'm not even sure you'd want it if you were given the option.

So much more is available to us if we listen to that internal voice, if we listen to our heart and move in that direction.

And we do it without knowing. We do it without being exactly sure what will come out of it. We do it because we know that's what we truly want.

Then what comes out of it is infinite. You have no idea what comes attached to a decision you made with your heart! You don't do it for that reason, but the universe has a way of taking care of us when we move toward what we are aligned to.

I don't know what that calling is for you. I don't know what is pulling you in an obvious or even more subtle way. What I do know is you should leap no matter how small that initial leap is.

So take a leap today! And don't worry about knowing what's going to happen. Stay present in the moment, and let things unfold.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How To Improve Speed Of Play In Soccer

Improving your speed of play in soccer is very important as you move up levels. The players at the highest level have the ability to play very quickly, but also know when to slow things down.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Untapped Potential Podcast #1- The Four Agreements

Get this life changing book here:

In the very first untapped potential podcast, we go over one of my favorite books, The Four Agreements, which has the capacity to change your life!

I have found the teachings in this book have enriched my life and have put me on a path towards greater happiness and fulfillment. I believe it can do the same for you. In this podcast I share some of the ideas in this wonderful book!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Be The Hero Of Your Own Movie - Joe Rogan Motivation

This has to be one of the most inspirational 3 minutes or so ever on the Joe Rogan experience. In that time frame, Joe talks about taking responsibility of your own life, to stop playing the victim, and to see yourself as the hero of your own story.

Monday, February 12, 2018

How To Stand Out At Soccer Tryouts 2018 - What To Avoid

In this video we are going over how you can stand out at soccer tryouts in 2018! We are specifically going over what to avoid in this video. Check Out The Simply Soccer Academy!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Why Kylian Mbappe Is A Future Ballon D'Or Winner - Mbappe Analysis

We are going over why I think Kylian Mbappe will become a future Ballon D'Or Winner at some point in his career!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Steve Jobs Greatest Speech Ever

Here are some clips from what I consider Steve Jobs greatest speech ever! He cover topics like following your heart, death, not following the crowd among other things.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Soccer Passing and Receiving Drills - Quick 15 Minute Routine

We go over some soccer passing and receiving drills in this video as I give you a quick 15 minutes routine that you can do everyday!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

How Should Soccer Players Stretch Before Matches? - Stretching Myths Deb...

In this video, we go over how soccer players should stretch before matches and also go over some common stretching myths that could be hurting you if you don't know them.