Friday, December 30, 2022

If Your Decision Making Sucks in Football? Do This!

If you're decision making sucks in football matches, watch this! Get Game Changer for FREE here:

Sunday, November 6, 2022

3 Signs From The Universe You're On The WRONG Path

Here are 3 signs from the universe that you're on the wrong path and what you can do in order to readjust.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Your "Info Diet" Will Create Your Reality

This is the importance of your "info diet", something Neville Goddard also mentioned, and why the quality of your info diet will play a massive role in determining the quality of your reality

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

You're Doing Manifesting ALL WRONG

Here is why you're doing manifestation ALL WRONG! And also how you can start doing it where you are getting amazing results.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Why "Feeling Is The Secret"

This is why feeling is the secret when it comes to creating your dream life!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Friday, October 21, 2022

How To "Hack" Your Reality

Is it possible to hack reality? Well, if you know the rules to the game, then yes! You can hack your reality so that it almost looks like you are playing with cheat codes on! Here is how.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Stay In The Feeling Of The Wish Fulfilled With This Neville Goddard Tech...

Staying rooted in the feeling of the wish fulfilled is crucial if you are looking to manifest your dream life. This Neville Goddard Technique is so simple and elegant, and allows you to do this all day long!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Friday, October 14, 2022

5 Signs You Are Ready For The One

We are going over 5 signs that you are ready for the one to come into your life in divine union!

Monday, October 10, 2022

How To Create A Spiritual Breakthrough

This is how you create a spiritual breakthrough, or at least the environment to encourage this to happen.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Shift Your Reality

This is how you begin to shift your reality to one that you actually desire!

Friday, September 30, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Why You're Not Drawing In Your Soul Mate

Why is it that you haven't drawn in your soul mate, person, twin flame, or whichever label you want to use? I go over that in this video.

Monday, September 19, 2022

How To Go Through Lasting Transformation

This how to go through lasting transformation. How to go from the caterpillar, to the butterfly you were always destined to become.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Sunday, September 11, 2022

How To Influence Those You Love Positively

You have people in your life that you love and you wish the best for. What can we do to help them "see the light" so to speak. Here is what I have found to be the most effective, actually in my eyes, the only way to go about this that actually works and where everyone involved benefits.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

The ONE THING Blocking Your Spiritual Growth

This one thing can block you from exploding your spiritual growth. But being aware of this and applying it will allow you to grow, expand, and experience more than you have ever before!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

How to Remove Burnout Forever (say goodbye to stress)

Is burnout just a natural thing that occurs for most people and is unavoidable? I don't think so! It's not something that needs to keep happening and when you understand what I cover in this video, you'll see why.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Great Self-development Lie (Why It Doesn't Work)

Is self-development, growth, and self-help a big scam? Why is it that so much of it seems to not work for so many? I go over why I believe this is in this video.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Saturday, August 6, 2022

3 Activities That Raise Your Manifesting Power Instantly

Here are 3 of the most effective activities that raise your manifesting power instantly! They have worked beautifully in my own life and will do the same for you if applied.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

This Is Why You’re Always Tired (and unmotivated)

This is why you're always tired, and also lack inspiration! I give some of my best strategies and ideas in this video so you can be energized and focused everyday ⚡

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

How The Universe REALLY Works - Interview With Tom Campbell

I had the honor to interview Tom Campbell over a year ago. I was intuitively led to not releasing it at the time and didn't question it. However, I felt puled to releasing it now! Tom is unique in the fact that he is not only a physicist, but has been studying consciousness for decades. What he goes over here I truly believe can be perspective shifting and life altering if applied in ones life.

Friday, July 15, 2022

7 Signs You Are More Awake Than You Think

We are going over 7 signs you are more awake than you think in this video! Which signs resonated with you?

Thursday, July 7, 2022

How To Take Quantum Leaps In Your Growth

Is the linear model of growth the only way to go, or is there another way? We go over how to take Quantum Leaps in your growth in this video

7 Skills To Make You A One on One BEAST

Here are 7 skills to make you a one on one BEAST!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Friday, March 18, 2022

Your 3rd Eye Isn't Opening? Do This!

As I've mentioned, we all have a 3rd eye and potential access to it. In fact, in my eyes (including my 3rd...) we could all easily access it if we lived more naturally. We were always meant to be able to access it easily but we have done certain things to cut ourselves off from it.

So, in this video we go over over some practices and things you can do in order to open your 3rd eye and access it more often.

3rd Eye Opening #1: Eating healthier and more intuitively - This is a big one and one I'm sure you've heard before. A lot of the time it is our diet that has calcified our pineal gland and ultimately made it difficult to access our 3rd eye.

Putting dense, low conscious foods into our body is obviously going to affect our ability to connect to the more spiritual part of ourselves. It will still be possible, but why swim upstream!

Eating "healthy" can mean so many different things. There are those that swear by a vegan diet, paleo, keto, etc, etc.

Ultimately, I invite you to get to a place of intuitive eating. Because your intuition will never lead you astray. Many people become dogmatic about diet, so tune that out and listen to what your heart is telling you. You'll find that you'll begin eating foods that your body wants, at the frequency it wants it, and this will go a long way to giving you more access to your 3rd eye.

3rd Eye Opening #2: Breathwork, meditation, or similar inner work - I put breathwork and meditation as the main ones here because I believe they are two of the best when it comes to accessing the inner world and your 3rd eye.

Breathwork is my go to and its rare these days that I don't have a very spiritual experience, opening my 3rd eye, as I do it. 

Find what works for you, but there is a reason why so many teachers invite their students to take on a meditation or breathwork practice. Because it typically works. And it becomes a great way to easily access what you really are.

3rd Eye Opening #3: Follow your intuition and excitement - I mentioned this with eating, but your intuition will never lead you astray. This includes things outside of diet as well. If you have a desire to open your 3rd eye and connect more with the inner realm, your intuition will start to give you directions on how to do that.

One of the common ways it does this is through the energy of excitement. Excitement is not happenchance. It is a very intentional and natural emotion that presents itself for a reason. Because your heart and soul are elated by something. Curious about something. And want that experience.

Children feel this emotion naturally all the time and go towards it. This is because it is natural, we just become conditioned to ignore it as we go along life.

Follow your excitement and you'll find opening your 3rd eye becomes fairly easy.

3rd Eye Opening #4: Shadow work and letting go - This is a big one because for so many the reason they struggle to access the inner world easily is because they are holding onto something dense. 

This typically presents itself as heavy energy in the body. This is why you can literally feel heavy or weighed down when you are holding onto something.

And why you can feel lighter and free, almost like a bubbly feeling when you let go.

Letting go through shadow work or other means can be one of the best things you do in order to naturally allow well being to flow into your life. If you haven't already, get into my course The Miracle of Meditation where I give you the best letting go technique I know (course is currently free here:

3rd Eye Opening #5: Setting an intention - Lastly, don't overlook your awesome power as a co-creative being! If you simply set the intention to open your 3rd eye and ask the universe to help you in this endevour, it will! 

You'll find that this is when your intuition, excitement, etc will start leading you to ways to open it.

Never underestimate the power of intention!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

How To Know If You Are Close To Shifting Realities

Did you know you can shift realities and become the ideal version of yourself? We go over 5 signs that indicate your are close to shifting realities.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

How To Manifest A Specific Person Using Scripting (Works Like Magic)

This is how to manifest a specific person using scripting! This technique works like magic when you get it right.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

What I Learned From My Near Death Experience

Here are the main things that I learned from my near death experience that has since influenced my life in beautiful ways.

Friday, February 25, 2022

You're Moving AGAINST The Universe By Doing This

If you aren't being conscious about this one thing, you're swimming upstream and moving against the universe instead of working with it.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

They're Hiding The Truth From You..

There are truths that have been intentionally hidden from your since birth. Here is my interpretation about some of these truths, and also what you can do to reverse the lies that have been conditioned into us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

5 Reasons The Law Of Attraction ISN'T WORKING For You

The law of attraction is always working our lives 24/7! It isn't as though you can turn it on or off or that the the law of attraction isn't working. It's just a lack of awareness that can lead us into believing this.

This video is all about 5 of the reasons that can make it seem like the law of attraction isn't working for you. If you are doing any of these 5 things, you are most likely just co-creating results you don't want vs using the law of attraction in a way that serves you and what you want to do.

5 Reasons The Law Of Attraction ISN'T WORKING For You #1 - This is the simplest of the simple when it comes to why the law of attraction isn't working, and it's that you are in a lot of resistance and heaviness.

You see, the natural order of the universe is well being. It is flowing naturally all around us. There is no flow of other than this. However, we can certainly cut ourselves off from this natural well being.

When we do this, we tend to feel heavy in our bodies. This is our emotional guidance system aiming to show us that we are in resistance and preventing the natural flow of the universe from coming in.

This is why people in this level of resistance experience lack, hardship, struggle, and so on.

5 Reasons The Law Of Attraction ISN'T WORKING For You #2 - The 2nd key reason that the law of attraction seems to not be working for you is because of a lack of focus.

You see, we get what we focus on. Where focus goes, energy flows. But if we don't have focus, our energy ends up being chaotic, looking at a million different things.

Because of this, the law of attraction doesn't know what to bring to us.

It's like trying to water 30 seeds when you only have enough water for 1. If you aim to split the water amongst the 30 seeds, none will grow.

But if you give the water (your focus) to one seed, it will absolutely grow if you keep your focus there.

5 Reasons The Law Of Attraction ISN'T WORKING For You #3 - You aren't aware of how universal laws operate. Now, you don't need to know all the intricate workings of the universe. In fact, I don't think anyone knows exactly how it all works to the finest detail.

But you need to just have an understanding of it. For example, you don't need to know in intricate detail how a light bulb works in order to turn on the switch and use it.

Same with the law of attraction. Get familiar enough to buy into it, and then you can use it more freely. When you are aware of this law, you can then start to use it consciously.

Start by aiming to manifest something small. See it working in action. Turn on the switch and watch it do it's thing.

5 Reasons The Law Of Attraction ISN'T WORKING For You #4 - This next one is massive and will go a long way to whether the law of attraction works in ways that beautify your life or make it a struggle, and that is your peer group.

If you hang around people that are in chaos all the time, take no ownership for their lives, complain, etc, you will be influenced by them and attract the same. Remember, environment beats will.

However, if you upgrade your peer group and spend time with those who are positive, are focused, and are in a good energy, you will be influenced by them and attract the same. 

This goes for in person, online or anywhere else. Environment shapes you!

5 Reasons The Law Of Attraction ISN'T WORKING For You #5 - So this is the secret sauce. This is what brings so much together and allows for fast results.

In fact, this is what Napoleon Hill said worked so fast that it actual scared him. And that is the sweet spot.

Find something that both excites your heart and your mind can buy into, and you'll manifest it quicker than you can possibly imagine.

Then, once you've manifested that, your mind will buy into even more. 

Focus on that sweet spot and magic will happen.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

3 Signs Your Manifestation Is RUNNING AWAY!

There are many signs that indicate your manifestation is close, but there are also signs that are worth paying attention too that you are actually repelling your manifestation. We cover 3 of those signs today in this video!

3 Signs Your Manifestation Is No Working #1 - If you are feeling consistent heaviness or resistance, you can almost guarantee that you are blocking or even pushing your manifestation further away.

Resistance typically means you are cutting yourself off from source to some degree and the law of attraction works in our favor when we are allowing, not resisting.

This doesn't mean don't allow your emotions, or deal with your shadows, but if you are feeling heavy consistently, you are living in resistance. My invitation would be to explore that and find out why you feel this heaviness. Then there are many ways you can address is of even shift your focus.

3 Signs Your Manifestation Is No Working #2 - If you lack focus and are often distracted, you are not giving the energy to your manifestation to the point where it will come into your reality.

Remember, where focus goes energy flows and what you focus on grows! if you are focused like a laser on your manifestation, you'll be amazed at how quickly things start to move in your outer world.

But if you are more like a lightbulb that may illuminate more things, but less intensely, you aren't focusing enough to really manifest anything significant. There is power in focus! Remember, the person who tries to catch 2 rabbits ends up catching neither.

What is the 10 out of 10 manifestation for you? The thing that if you were to manifest it through the law of attraction, would change your life? Aim to focus on that primarily. Don't worry too much about the things that are 7 out of 10s, 8s and so on.

3 Signs Your Manifestation Is No Working #3 - One of the main things that holds so many back in their development and by extension in their ability to manifest, is if they are lying to themselves. Remember, to get anywhere, you need to not only know where you want to go, but where you currently are at.

Many people hide from where they are currently at. They don't look at their shadows or the things they most likely need to let go of and transcend if they are to vibrate at the same level of what they want to manifest.

Being able to self-reflect, look in the mirror and be honest, is a massively beneficial skill to have. What I have learned about this process is that you can remove shame and guilt from it with practice. These shadows are neither right or wrong, good or bad, but they could be what's preventing you from leveling up in your manifesting and living more of the life you want to live now.

Many people avoid being honest with themselves because they are afraid of feeling guilt or shame or a similar low level of consciousness when they do it, and that is understandable. But realize that by doing that you are pushing it back down and it will cause problems. Where if you face it, see it for what it is, shine the light on it and transcend it, it will no longer be inside of you. This can lead to massive releases that help raise your vibration massively.

There are of course more signs we could go over, but I believe that if you are experiencing any of these and then actively look to improve in each of these areas, you will go a long way to manifesting in bigger and better ways in your life. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

How To Use Numerology To Manifest (PAY ATTENTION)

The universe, our angels, source, or whatever label tickles your spiritual fancy, is communicating with us 24/7!

It isn't about whether this is the case or not, it is, it's more about are we listening to these messages and taking them on board.

The thing is, this messaging rarely comes through the same way you and I would speak to each other. Now, it can! For example, messages from the universe coming through me and other teachers.

However, when it comes to direct communication from source to you, it typically isn't verbal. Other forms of communication are used. And one is through numerology also known as angel numbers.

You can use numerology as a tool to help you manifest the life that you want. The reason you can do this is that the beings/source that are bringing these numbers into your reality want for you what you want for you.

They want you to experience all life has to offer. They, through their messaging, will help guide you there. Many beings that have raised their consciousness to a certain level come back in order to help us to raise our own consciousness.

This might seem bizarre or even a bit crazy at first, that is until you experience it and if you are already experiencing angel numbers in your life, you'll know what I mean.

Once you learn the meaning for these angel numbers, once you study numerology even a little bit, and you find the meanings to these numbers that resonate with you, you'll be blown away with how accurate and helpful they are.

Again, because they are not random. They are communications. A very powerful form of communication.

When it comes to using angel numbers to manifest, one thing that I've found essential is to not get in your head about it, and instead allow your heart to guide you. Essentially, only take on board what resonates with you. Our emotional guidance system is a divine tool that we have in order to know if something is aligned to what we are and that we can use to navigate our experience here in this 3d, physical world. It will help lead us to the experiences that will bring us joy, peace, love and so on, and away from the experiences that would have us live in lower levels of consciousness.

So, when you hear or read an explanation about a certain number you have been seeing, see how you FEEL about it. Sometimes, it'll be obvious. Where you resonate so strongly with it you'll have tears in your eyes. This isn't a coincidence. This is a very powerful response to something that is true for you and aligns.

If however you don't get an emotional response, or even more of a heavy response, it may not be the explanation of the number that you are being led to.

So, use your discernment, but understand the power that these messages hold when you resonate with them.

Then it simply comes down to taking action on what you are being communicated. This can be a wide range of things, but if you take action on it, good things will begin to occur. A high vibrational being is aiming to guide you to higher levels of consciousness in your life. To joy, peace, happiness, abundance and so on.

If you learn about the numbers you are seeing and look to feel out for which explanations resonate to you, then take action based on those communications, you will manifest faster than you might be able to believe in this moment.

Magic can happen. Because you are magic. And now you are connecting to being who understand that and are guiding you in that direction. To experience the magic of life and that which you are.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

We Are NOT Evolved Beings...

We are not evolved beings.. we are evolving beings. We are apart of the process, unfolding in the moment. But when we want to be somewhere else, to be "evolved", we cut ourselves off from the process that we are here to be part of.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Law Of Subtraction - The Secret You Weren't Told

The law of subtraction is what's going to supercharge the law of attraction for you! Now, when many begin to try and apply the law of attraction, they aim to do things differently than they've been doing. Essentially, they start to add more to their lives.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but let's say you have a house that is filled with stuff. And this stuff you know is influencing your peace of mind and your energy. It's like leaving the stuff there and getting different stuff thinking that will change how you feel. But at the end of the day, you still have the old things that made you feel that way in the first place.  You also have very little room to put the things you put back even if they could help!

This is where the law of subtraction comes in. Instead of trying to add more to our lives, we subtract. This seems so simple, but can be quite magical and can lead to amazing changes when used consciously alongside deliberate creation through the law of attraction.

You see, like attracts like. We know that much, right? But if you are holding onto things that vibrate at a different frequency than that you say you like, how can what you want come in.

To take it even deeper, we don't actually attract what we want. If that was the case, everyone would have what they wanted. We attract what we ARE.

This means if we are holding onto belief systems, people, environments, identities, etc, that do not resonate with what it is we say we want, we'll never get it. Because we are not at that frequency. We are sending out a much different frequency.

But if we begin to remove certain things from our life and remove the energy of those things, this creates space. And space is filled with infinite potential. We can then have the room for what we want to come in so long as we resonate with it.

Removing certain energy from your life, or things that keep you in a certain energy, makes it much easier to vibrate at higher levels. For example, have you noticed how hard it is to stay in a feel good place if you have a friend that complains all the time or is in lower levels of consciousness most of the time?

It's damn near impossible!

This can be implied to more than just friends. But the simplest way to raise your vibration so that you are resonating with what you want in that case would be to potentially let that friend go, or at least spend less energy and time around them.

When you take stock of what's in your life, identify the energetic anchors (that which feels heavy), and start to subtract that from your life (remove it), you'll notice that you naturally rise in vibration. This is because at our core we are source energy. We just have to remove what we are not to more cleanly access it.

And when you are more cleanly vibrating at this level of energy, you are resonating with it, you are it, and you will attract the equivalent of it so long as you stay in it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

3 Signs Your Manifestation Is Near (GET EXCITED)

When we tap into the natural laws of the universe like the law of attraction, we end up being able to co-create and manifest amazing things. The universe will also communicate with us when these things are near. Also telling us when we are on the right track or perhaps a little off track. The universe communicates with us 24/7 so this feedback is ongoing and can become quite clear when you are paying attention. In this video, we focus on 3 signs that your manifestation is near or close. Now, there are more than these 3 signs that your manifestation is about to happen. Many in fact. But here are 3 that I experience quite a bit shortly before something comes in for me. 3 Signs Your Manifestation Is Near #1 - You feel good all the time! This is something that many people who do not understand universal laws like to dismiss. How can feeling good help me manifest or bring what I want into my life? In fact, it's one of the best things that you can do. This doesn't mean you just bliss out on a couch somewhere and never take action, this just means that you understand that power of feeling good now and live your life from that place more often than not. When you are feeling good, you are operating from a place of allowing instead of resistance. Allowing the flow of the universe through instead of stifling it and stopping it. You see, most of us get in out own way when it comes to manifesting and using the law of attraction. We create resistance that prevents the natural well being we are connected to from flowing into our lives. Feeling good now is a massive way to remove resistance. And so if you are feeling good (genuinely) most of the time, it typically means that you will manifest fairly easily and effortlessly. Because you aren't making it hard on yourself! 3 Signs Your Manifestation Is Near #2 - You feel powerful momentum. Ever just felt very strongly that something is going to come in before it did? That there is a strong momentum in a certain direction? Remember, where focus goes energy flows. And if you keep flowing energy into the same place, you create a powerful momentum. If you are doing this and feel this momentum in a positive direction in your life, it makes it very easy for what you want to come into your life. You are using your creative power close to it's full potential What you focus on, expands. The longer you resonate with a certain energy, the more momentum you create from that energy in your life and the quicker it will manifest physically in your life. 3 Signs Your Manifestation Is Near #3 - You are seeing success, manifestations, etc, everywhere! If you are noticing in your physical reality other peoples manifestations, success, and so on, and you feel an excitedness about it, a lightness, this is a massive sign that your manifestation is close. The reason being is that we all live a subjective reality that we are creating and what we focus on grows. If you start to see evidence of something even in someone else's life, it means you have been focusing on it and growing that energy. This is almost like encouragement from the universe to keep going. "See! It is possible!" Remember, from a higher perspective, we are all one! So someone else's success is your success and vice versa. Now, if you are feeling resistance for someone else's success, then there are most likely things that you need to heal. It also will make it harder for you to manifest your own success if you believe that there is only so much to go around or complain about other people's success. Seeing success around you is a good sign, but allow it! Get excited about it! And it will naturally flow into your life as well.